Tis the Season to be Jolly
Merry Christmas! Fa la la la la la la la la!!
“‘Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la la!”
This tone itself explains how cheery the environment is! With red and white streaked all across the streets, with sparkling lights hanging at every window and with a bright star at every other house, the world is truly excited to celebrate the ending of this year with utmost grandeur.
Christmas is a festival celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus. People around the world celebrate it by singing carols, gathering of family and friends, setting up Christmas trees and exchanging gifts. Though Christmas is only on December 25th, the starting of December itself fills the environment with joy and excitement. Carols heard on the street, with everyone excited about the vacations. With bated breath, every person is waiting for New Years’ Eve. But this year, is Christmas the only reason we are so excited to celebrate?
2020 has indeed been like a speeding truck hitting us suddenly. With the sudden pandemic and loss of loved ones, it has been hard on so many of us. It was a good year for a few, a bad year for the others, but was definitely a lonely one for everyone. With strict regulations all around the world, we were not able to celebrate anything with our close ones. Stuck in our houses, we were shut off suddenly from the entire world, left to wander in our own minds. We found out ways to spend time alone and in this journey, we discovered new things about ourselves.
As the year is ending, people mistakenly feel that things are becoming alright. But it is important to maintain our safety because we are still in a tough war against COVID — 19. While it may be difficult to look at the brighter side, I believe we have every reason to celebrate. Every single one of us have fought through this year. We fell, but we stood again. We failed, but we tried again. We discovered some unknown talents. We spent time with our families. But most importantly, we learnt to appreciate what we have. With the generous amount of time unexpectedly given to us, we learnt to think in a different perspective, in turn becoming more empathetic.
If you ask me, I would say this is the best time to celebrate. Celebrate what you achieved this year. Let your loved ones know that you appreciate them. Send gifts to everyone, have delicious food and enjoy the end of this year. Yes, we do not know the future, but the grass is always greener. There are millions of things to worry about but find that one reason to not hold back and be ecstatic. And as for the new year, isn’t it just a disguised opportunity to start over again?
So this Christmas, push your worries away, because it is the season of joy! Put your thinking caps aside, and sing your heart out — “‘Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la!”
SOS VIT is a student community at VIT, Vellore. Connect with us on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. And help us spread our message further — “mental health lies above everything else”