The Journey
Sometimes life twists and turns in ways we can never even dream of. You become your worst enemy. You don’t seem to know the reason why it’s happening. A lot of previously denied thoughts and emotions take up all the space in your mind and you may find it difficult to verbalize them. You’re trapped in an endless labyrinth of dark thoughts. Life is not always perfect. There are times when life challenges your every move and nothing motivates you anymore. In such moments, just open your eyes to reality and light will find you.
There are days when you’re
As restless as a beast trapped in a cage
As tired as a soldier in an aggressive war
As worried as a sinner facing the doomsday
As hopeless as a fish trying to fly
You’re lost on an island of nowhere
In a never-ending ocean of despair
You don’t know what’s real
The walls of your house suddenly disappear
And a million arrows point at you
And a million voices speak to you
That’s when you pause to find the voice
That’s getting fainter by the moment
That gives you strength
That calms you down
Slowly, you understand what’s real
All the arrows suddenly disappear
And your house gives you the warmth it used to
Negative thoughts are attractive, they offer a false sense of reality and identity. You’re not meant to be that way; you’re meant to feel better. The situations that life puts you in are not always fair. Giving up in such times makes it worse. So, I implore you to find the voice that drives you forward. Finding it is an onerous task but it is essential to do so. Light can be found in the darkest of times, you just need to make an effort to find it. All the best for the journey ahead.