The Dusk of 2020
We are hopeful, and we know it.
Well, it wasn’t the best year…
2020 was a hard year. And that is probably one of the easiest and softest ways to put it. It started with the sighting of a new virus somewhere in the world, only to know a few months later that we all must shut ourselves for a really long period of time to survive, rather to let those who got infected overcome this onslaught. Colleges were shut, offices closed, schools clearly evacuated. There was blockade everywhere and that was not the end of it. There were about 1.5 million deaths worldwide and it is still under count, I’m afraid.
We learnt to live
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.”
— Emily Dickinson
Humanity is a weird species. It does not know of despair in the long run. Animals go extinct under environmental pressure. But man, as a community always has the instinct of standing to it, fighting it and building new means to parry.
We have stayed connected, not in skin, but indeed in heart and also in sound and in sight. We found ways to break our monotonicity. Some of us became avid gamers this season, some of us simply became star cooks. Some of us were busy with anime, web shows and TV series, while most of us were struck with our universities and offices that simply refused to let go!
But the important thing is we survived our own loneliness, we survived a prolonged period of isolation and perhaps for many — prolonged meant throughout the lockdown that is still underway. But, we survived.
“The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.”
— Barbara Kingsolver
The year shall get over, another shall come forth. And this pandemic is still going to have its effects for a long time to come. However, as a community we have but triumphed over the great pandemic. The vaccine came faster than ever in history, our lifestyles changed more abruptly and yet successfully than ever, we stood with each other and soon, we shall meet with our friends and celebrate this long vacation that brought to us the best and the worst of humanity and human needs.
It was nothing less than magic, the things that happened. It brought forth the magic of our shared existence. The fact that we are connected, we must support each other emotionally and it is that solidarity that kept things happening all this long.
2020 saw a great day and now is time to let it go. Let go of all the evil that we believe it carried with itself and of the clinging we have to the joys it brought. Let us just be grateful that it came. And we were with our families after all the busy lives we had.
Let us just be grateful that we had friends to entertain our minds that were too worn out during this long lockdown and that we had the means to still commit to our hobbies, our jobs, our interests and to our dear ones.
There is something we must always remember — everything in life comes in equal measures — our glees and our woes too. And glee is not the only thing we are supposed to accept. We must accept our woes too. That is the only and the most peaceful way of moving through. It is not the only way to work, of course, but the best way, perhaps.
And of course, happy new year eve everyone. We, here at SOS VIT wish all of you a have a great time next year, one you can be proud of and if not, one you can always cherish the next new year eve.
Goodbye 2020, looking forward to 2021…”