The Art of Self-Healing

Smile Over Stress VIT
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Everyday we meet and see new people and new things, and we are always fazed by the various phenomenon and miracles we experience, yet we tend to overlook something more miraculous than any of the wonders the material world can ever offer us.

Perhaps now is a good time to start looking inside us rather than outside!


All living beings are machines too. We perform our chores and duties on a routine basis. However unlike machine, the ability to have emotions and regenerate is something only life forms possess.

So what does it mean to be healthy?

According to the Med School definition of health

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

A more holistic definition of health can be

“Health is referred to the state of existence where you only are doing the things you love and have a strong sense of passion for.”


Based on the type of invasiveness of the disease, we can classify it as follows

Disease classification

Diseases are of 2 types based on their mode of manifestation. Either the disease enters from outside via a pathogen, or it is caused due to some intrinsic imbalances within our body

Pathological Diseases are caused by an external organism, and hence our body will need external help in the form of medicines and/or supplements to aid in its battle against the invading specimen and prepare the required anti-bodies.
eg. Tonsillitis, Pneumonia, Ringworms, Flu, Tuberculosis etc.

Intrinsic Diseases are caused due to internal imbalances of the body functioning, which may be due to a result of improper care of nutrition or hygiene, or due to poor lifestyle habits and such and as such don’t require any external aid for rectification of the issue
Cancer, Sinusitis, Diabetes, Depression, Headaches, Obesity

Yes its true, none of the intrinsic diseases(even cancer) need any medicines, surgeries or any external help at all to cure, but then why is the world rampant with them?

Treating the Intrinsic Diseases

Our body is naturally equipped to handle most of the issues. If the issue is caused within the body, then it is absolutely sure that the body can fix itself without any medical help.

Health Components

If we have a holistic lifestyle, and take care of our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, 90% of our health issues will be resolved without ever seeking a doctors help!

Physical Health

  1. Exercise Regularly : Improves Cardiovascular system, increases blood flow to all parts of the body, hence fixing most problems as it is, also it strengthens the respiratory tract.
  2. Yoga : Ancient Indian science of keeping the body in the most functional state by performing certain poses or actions called asanas. This helps relieve skeletomuscular tensions, improves blood circulation and also improves the lymphatic system circulation, Also certain asanas apply pressure on specific organs and hence ensure their healthy functioning.
  3. Intermittent Fasting : Cutting down calories is worse than over-eating, and research has also proved that decreasing calories prevents body from entering ketosis, hence actually making us fatter and also cause muscular degeneration. Total Fasting is a much better practice, as this makes us use our body use up the fat stores and break it down into glycogen. Also when we aren’t eating, our body peaks in its production of HGH(Human Growth Hormone), which helps in rebuilding the body and hence carry out the maintenance.
  4. Drink Water : We all clearly know why this is important, hence no elaboration is needed.

Mental Health

  1. Meditation : As old as time, this technique has been used for centuries and is as simple as sitting cross-legged and just observing your breath, preferably while deep breathing. This simple action sends your mind and body into a self-introspection mode, and flaws which weren’t detected before are now found out and the body starts working on it, also the deep breathing sends the mind from a volatile(alpha) state to a calm(beta) state of consciousness, which is conducive to healing.
  2. Pranayama : The form of yoga which deals with controlling ones breath can have a multitude of benefits, even for physical wellbeing. The topic is vast and most benefits can be found by Clicking Here.
  3. Following a Routine : Even though this sounds plain dumb, our body is a machine too, which adapts to habits which has been going on over a long time. Hence making habits and having a routine is the best way to not cause a shock to it and keep it working smoothly.

Emotional Health

  1. Gratitude : The best way to cure depression is by gratitude, if you don’t believe this, try helping someone without expecting anything back, just try it. However scientifically speaking many endorphins are released during helping others which makes you feel good.
  2. Opening Up : However embarrassing your problems may be, opening up lets you not fall into the “shell isolation” mode where you basically go into a self fend-off for mode and cut-off from others, which can lead to other issues
  3. Hobbies : Musical Instruments, Drawing, Sports, Hanging out with friends, anything it may be, do it daily, its much more important than your academics hands down.

Hope this article helps whoever it reaches!



Smile Over Stress VIT
Smile Over Stress VIT

Written by Smile Over Stress VIT

Smile Over Stress is the Official Psychology Club of Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.

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