What is a dream? I have always asked myself and ended up getting an endless flow of answers. One way to success, one way to escape reality, a entire different picture of ‘what ifs’. The word dream itself gives you a beautiful feeling. A feeling that you are different.
Ever since Covid has occurred in different levels of waves, I have always dreamt about having to wander out with no mask. Getting to meet my friends, especially the ones I have got ever since I started my masters. This entire covid has been a curse and a blessing for many people. For the sufferers, covid was a huge curse. Not only were they suffering through physical pain but it was mental and emotional pain as well. And it was every dream of these people to have a healthy and happy life with their families. This harsh period crushed dreams of many people starting from going outside to multiple deaths of those who were close to one’s heart.
But for many others it was a blessing. Many people learnt important values of togetherness and the importance of family. Lockdown was a time where each and every individual could discover themselves in many ways and I found myself through writing. Many people were also able to achieve what they have always dreamt about.
Besides all the stress in life and the reality, dreams are the one thing which keeps me going. For me, dreaming is a huge escape from reality. It gives me a sense of hope about what I want my life to be. It’s not only about involving imagination but it also gives a zest to live your life and achieve your goals. Even though life throws many hurdles, that little time we have to dream always keeps us going. And there is no limit to dreaming about what you want in life — the true goal to make that specific dream come true is working towards those goals with patience, wishful thinking and positivity. So don’t stop dreaming because your dream matters.
Dream away and stay safe. ❤️