The word anxiety itself gives us unconscious stress which runs down our spine. It gives a feeling of constant self doubt, shivering and worst of all, overthinking. You tend to think the most unimaginable things and eventually there is this whole cloud of negativity over your head.
So let me just break down how a person (especially me) suffers.
So at any given situation — be it a silly fight with a friend or even a work related issue, the first symptom begins with coldness — my hands, legs and my whole body begins to feel numb, no matter how hot it is outside. This chillness spreads all over my body and slowly my brain just stops working (trust me, it’s the worst). Then my stomach starts turning and this feeling of nervousness begins and eventually overthinking starts, where I doubt every little part of myself, be it looks or my performance in any activity, believe me, it’s the vibes of negativity that pop up inside the helpless soul. It makes me feel like I’m fit for nothing and fighting against all this eventually leads to tiredness.
But the aftermath of all this also tends to be worse.
Anxiety is something which many people laugh about and feel it’s silly. But trust me, it isn’t what a person expects in their life. Having anxiety is not a shame.
It’s okay to be anxious, it’s okay to sad, it’s okay to overthink because no one is perfect; pat yourselves that you have been you for so long and never gave up.
But let me just put it in here, when you have a friend who is going through all this just stay up for them and encourage them by saying, “it’s okay, you can do it, girl”, or “I’m here for you” but please don’t start saying, “What is a big deal?”, “There is nothing to be anxious about”, “You don’t need to overreact so much”, “Just get over it” or “ You are just overthinking so much” .
People going through all this can’t just get over it so easily, it takes away the energy you have and overthinking depresses them so much.
So be kind and be good as much as possible. You never know what’s running in a person’s head and what they have gone through in their whole life. So take out some time to just comfort them.